Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

Comparison of ROM and balance ability among three conditions (N = 25)

Pre-intervention Floss band Active exercise F p-value post hoc
DF (°) 9.0 ± 4.14 13.36 ± 3.96 10.52 ± 3.48 39.785 0.000* A
PF (°) 48.8 ± 10.37 49.72 ± 10.12 49.2 ± 9.85 1.017 0.377
OLT (mm2) 28.52 ± 14.0 13.24 ± 6.16 17.86 ± 8.03 36.843 0.000* D,E
ANT 61.12 ± 6.39 67.0 ± 5.98 61.78 ± 4.71 35.022 0.000* A,C
PL 108.0 ± 9.60 117.36 ± 9.27 110.71 ± 7.16 13.426 0.000* A
PM 105.49 ± 9.52 113.36 ± 7.35 108.45 ± 8.44 29.244 0.000* A
CS 91.54 ± 6.61 99.24 ± 6.11 93.65 ± 5.35 46.323 0.000* A,C

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. Significant difference by Bonferroni adjustment (p < 0.05/3). A: Pre-intervention < Floss band, B: Pre-intervention < Active exercise, C: Active exercise < Floss band, D: Floss band < Pre-intervention, E: Active exercise < Pre-intervention. ROM, range of motion; DF, dorsi flexion; PF, plantar flexion; OLT, one leg test; ANT, anterior; PL, posterior-lateral; PM, posterior-medial; CS, composite score. *p < 0.05.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2022;29:274~281
© Physical Therapy Korea