Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

General characteristics of participants

Variable Total (N = 326) Addiction (n = 166) Non-addiction (n = 160) χ2 p-value
Sex 1.706 0.300
Male 146 (44.79) 79 (54.11) 67 (45.89) 0.986 0.321
Female 180 (55.21) 87 (48.33) 93 (51.67) 0.200 0.655
Age (y) 17.046 0.001**
20–30s 144 (44.17) 86 (59.72) 58 (40.28) 5.444 0.020*
30–40s 72 (22.09) 39 (54.17) 33 (45.83) 0.500 0.480
40–50s 49 (15.03) 13 (26.53) 36 (73.47) 10.796 0.001**
Over 50s 61 (18.71) 28 (45.90) 33 (54.10) 0.410 0.522
Occupation 9.381 0.052
Student 103 (31.60) 51 (49.51) 52 (50.49) 0.010 0.922
Office worker 158 (48.47) 85 (53.80) 73 (46.20) 0.911 0.340
Freelancer 22 (6.75) 10 (45.45) 12 (54.55) 0.182 0.670
Housewife 34 (10.43) 12 (35.29) 22 (64.71) 2.941 0.086
Unemployed 9 (2.75) 8 (88.89) 1 (11.11) 5.444 0.020*
Hours of smartphone use (h) 31.708 0.001***
Less than 1 2 (0.61) 0 (0) 2 (100) NA NA
1–4 136 (41.72) 49 (36.03) 87 (63.97) 10.618 0.001**
4–7 136 (41.72) 76 (55.88) 60 (44.12) 1.882 0.170
7–10 52 (16.95) 41 (78.85) 11 (21.15) 17.308 > 0.99

Values are presented as number (%). NA, not available. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2023;30:211~220
© Physical Therapy Korea