Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

VAS and CMDQ scores for the smartphone addiction and non-addiction groups (N = 326)

Body part Addiction (n = 166) Non-addiction (n = 160) t p-value (t-test)
Neck 3.500 2.038 –5.533 0.001***
Shoulder 3.151 1.888 –4.365 0.001***
Upper back 2.241 1.313 –3.474 0.001**
Lower back 2.880 1.531 –4.753 0.001***
Upper arm 1.795 0.500 –5.418 0.001***
Elbow 1.241 0.375 –4.179 0.001***
Forearm 1.271 0.406 –4.239 0.001***
Wrist 2.398 1.094 –5.068 0.001***
Hand 1.753 0.650 –4.608 0.001***
Neck 10.599 3.894 –4.596 0.001***
Shoulder 8.542 4.206 –3.074 0.002**
Upper back 6.075 1.994 –3.903 0.001***
Lower back 8.952 2.678 –4.845 0.001***
Upper arm 4.569 0.625 –4.227 0.001***
Elbow 3.292 0.675 –2.767 0.006**
Forearm 3.792 0.675 –2.969 0.003**
Wrist 6.310 2.513 –3.288 0.001**
Hand 4.443 0.981 –3.997 0.001***

VAS, visual analogue scale; CMDQ, Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaires. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2023;30:211~220
© Physical Therapy Korea