Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

Isometric muscle strength and each direction score and a composite score of UQYBT

Variable Male (N = 37)
Muscle strength (%bw)
Supporting-side scapular protractor 21.04 ± 8.72
Supporting-side lower trapezius 8.97 ± 3.66
Supporting-side hip flexor 19.78 ± 6.91
Non-supporting-side hip flexor 18.19 ± 6.83
Trunk flexor 16.75 ± 6.43
Trunk extensor 33.65 ± 11.69
UQYBT score (%AL)
Medial 108.00 ± 9.80
Superolateral 58.94 ± 13.17
Inferolateral 70.38 ± 12.69
Composite score 79.26 ± 9.97

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. UQYBT, upper quarter Y-balance test; bw, body weight; AL, arm length.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2023;30:245~252
© Physical Therapy Korea