Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

Characteristics of included studies

Study Study
Diagnosis LE status Participants
Treatment protocol & *intervention of control group Evaluation tool Outcome
Atar et al. [32] RCT double blind sham control HNL stage I & II 51.3 years (female: 23/male: 35)
KT (n = 30)
SKT (n = 28)
4 weeks (11 times)
5/w (1st week) & 2/w (2–4th week) with MLD 45 min & home exercise
*sham KT
① Circumference of face and neck & edema scale by MDACC HNL
② Fiberoptic endoscopic images
③ VAS: comfort conception
① Significant reduction in both groups (p < 0.01) edema scale: KT = 76.7%↓, control = 57.1%↓
② No difference in both group (p = 0.860)
③ No difference between groups in discomfort but significant improvement of global health status & swallowing in the KT
④ Decrease of pain scale in the KT only
Selcuk Yilmaz and Ayhan [31] RCT BCRL stage II 54.7 years (female)
KT (n = 15)
MLD (n = 15)
LLLT (n = 15)
3 weeks, KT = 2/w, MLD = 5/w, LLLT = 5/w with MLB + lymphedema remedial exercise + education/CCL2 flat knit CG after the intervention
① Circumference & PDV
④ PDQ: pain
① Significantly higher PDV measurement in the KT group compared to the MLD group at every measurement time (p = 0.009, p = 0.039, p = 0.042)
② Improvements across all three measurements in both KT and LLLT groups
③ No difference between groups
④ Decrease in all three groups
Torres-Lacomba et al. [28] RCT BCRL stage I & II 58.4 years (female)
KT (n = 29)
MLB (n = 28)
S.MLB (n = 30)
Cohesive (n = 29)
Adhesive (n = 30)
3 weeks, 5/w (1–2nd week) & for 3-day interval/w with CDT intensive: MLD + IPC 30 min + exercise
15 min + education
*4 different bandages types of bandages
① % excess volume change via Frustrum formula
② Heaviness and tightness
③ 11 point numerical scale perceived comfort
① Volume reduction most effective in SMLB (59.5%), least effective in KT (4.9%)Difference between two groups' vol. reduction & access vol. %: 107.7 ml & 54.6%
② No difference in heaviness & tightness
③ KT: Most comfortable (1.4)/ MLD: most uncomfortable (6.7)
Pajero Otero et al. [26] RCT cross-over BCRL stage II 67 years (female)
KT (n = 15)
CG (n = 15)
Wash out 4 weeks & 4 weeks, 1/w & wash out 4 weeks & 4 weeks, 1/w with self-care education: skin care & exercise
*compression garment
① Relative Volume (change & difference)
③ Self-perception of comfort
④ LE related symptoms
① RVC: KT = 5.7%↓/CG = 3.4%↓
② ROM: only improved in KT 5.8°–16.7°↑(p < 0.05)
③ KT: more comfortable (p < 0.001)
④ KT: more improved LE symptoms (p < 0.05)
Ozsoy-Unubol et al. [22] RCT BCRL stage I 52.7 years (female)
KT (n = 16)
CG (n = 19)
4 weeks, every 3–4 days with skin and nail care education + home exercise 20 min 2/d
*compression garment
① Circumference measurement
③ VAS: pain, heaviness, tightness
① Arm circumference differences at all levels decreased in both groups
② Similar effects between groups
③ Pain score: KT improves over CG
Tantawy et al. [19] RCT BCRL stage II & III 54.7 years (female)
KT (n = 30)
CG (n = 29)
3 weeks, 2/w with home exercise
*compression garment
① Sum of limb circumference
② SPADI: shoulder pain & disability
③ Hand grip strength
① KT: 177.5 → 153.5 (24 cm↓), CG: 172.2 → 163.4 (8.8 cm↓)
② Significant improvement only at KT
③ KT: 23.43 kg↑, CG: 2.18 kg↑
④ Significant improvement only at KT
Ergin et al. [34] RCT BCRL significant (≤ 250 ml & marked (250–500 ml) 56.24 years (female)
KT + CDT (n = 18)
CDT (n = 14)
4 weeks (20 times), 5/w (1 hr/d) with CDT: MLD + MLB + exercise + skin care/ KT is maintained for 3 days and then reapplied.
① Each 5 cm, 7 points circumference measurement & limb volume ① Reduced circumference & volume at all points in both group (p ≤ 0.001/p ≤ 0.001)
No difference between groups
Hassan and Ismail [27] RCT BCRL 54.1 years (female)
KT (n = 15)
CG (n = 15)
4 weeks (12 times), 3/w with MLD 45 min + exercise
*compression garment
① Circumference of arm and forearm
② ROM: flexion and abduction
① Arm: KT = 18.6%↓, CG = 13.7%↓/forearm: KT = 12.28%↓, CG = 18.62%↓
② ROM: flexion, KT = 75.4%↑ CG = 19.6%/abduction, KT = 72.52%↑, CG = 47.51%↑
Taradaj et al. [11] RCT BCRL stage II & III 62 years (female)
KT (n = 22)
qKT (n = 23)
MLB (n = 25)
4 weeks (12 times), 3/w with MLD 50 min + IPC 45 min
Tape on every Monday and take it off on Friday
① Optoelectronic perometer 40T
③ Hand grip strength
① % of volume decreased in all groups (MLB = 45.02%↓, KT = 22.45%↓, qKT = 24.04%↓)
② Similar results in ROM
③ KT: 128.34 N → 140.23 N, qKT: 130.45 N → 138.93 N, MLB: 128.88 N → 168.76 N
Pekyavas et al. [29] RCT BCRL grade 2, 3 54.6 years (female)
KT (n = 14)
MLB + KT (n = 13)
MLB (n = 14)
2 weeks (10 times), 5/w with CDT: MLD 30 min + skin care + exercise 20 min/KT daily application
*bandages/combination of bandages and KT
① VAS: LE symptoms & itching and wound formation
② Circumference & volume
③ SF-36: QOL
① Reduced lymphedema related symptoms in all groups (p < 0.05) pain reduced only in KT
② After 1 month of the intervention: KT + MLB = 547.94 ml↓, KT = 379.04 ml↓, MLB = 358.31 ml↓, only KT + MLB (p < 0.05)
③ No difference between groups
Pop et al. [33] RCT preliminary study BCRL soft oedema 62 years (female)
ownKT (n = 22)
KT (n = 22)
3 weeks (3 times), 1/w with home exercise 2/d
*KT with different directions
① Circumference & volume
③ Hand grip strength
④ Self-prepared questionnaire about the therapy
① ownKT = 55%↓, KT=27%↓
② More improved in ownKT (between 0°–15°)
③ ownKT: 14 kg → 22 kg, KT: 13 kg → 18 kg
④ Very good: ownKT (n = 10), KT (n = 4)good: an equal number of 9 each, bad: no one
Smykla et al. [30] RCT single blind pilot study BCRL stage II & III 66.3 years (female)
KT (n = 20)
qKT (n = 22)
MLB (n = 23)
4 weeks (12 times), 3/w with MLD 1 hr + IPC 45 min + skin care
① Optoelectronic perometer 40T ① KT: 9410.01 cm2 → 8051.15 cm2 (19.36↓)/qKT: 9621.33 cm2 → 8041.02 cm2 (19.19%↓)/MLB: 10089.41 cm2 → 5021.22 cm2 (54.48%↓)(p = 0.005/0.005/0.000003)
Özçete and Eyigör [36] Case study BCRL 57 years
Female (n = 1)
A-V fistula
4 weeks (12 times), 3/w (+3 extra sessions) with LLLT + self MLD, home ex. ① Tape measurement & difference of arm volume ① Volume difference: 691 ml → 461 ml (230 ml↓)/3 months later: 454 ml from baseline (237 ml↓)/17 months later: 267 ml from baseline (424 ml↓)
Tantawy [41] Pilot experimental study BCRL stage II & III 52.7 years
Female (n=7)
3 weeks (6 times), 2/w with home exercise 2/w ① Sum of limb circumference ① 174.8 cm → 155.6 cm (p = 0.02)
Özçete et al. [39] Case study HNL stage II 58 years
Male (n = 1)
1/w (12 times) with self MLD + exercise keep KT for 4–5 days ① Földi scale edema assessment
① Edema scale II → 0
② Extension: 20˚ → 35˚/right rotation: 40˚ → 45˚/left lateral flexion: 25˚ → 35˚/right lateral flexion: 30˚ → 35˚
Taradaj et al. [37] Case study BCRL 62 years (female)
Permanent nerve damage by DM
3 weeks, 1/w KT put it on Friday and keep it for 3 days with IPC + MLD 3/w ① Optoelectronic perometer 40T ① Volume: 627 cm2↓(2,733 cm2 → 2,106 cm2) The decrease in the period during which KT was applied is significantly larger (31↓/194↓/51↓/206↓/40↓/105↓)
Chou et al. [35] Case study BCRL stage 2 48 years (female)
3/w (12 times) with MLD 45 min ① Circumference & volume
① Circumference: 37.6 cm → 19.8 cm, excess volume: 992 ml → 536 ml
② PEV: 79.95% → 36.43%, PREV: 54%↓
Simone [40] Case study HNL 52 years (male)
Oropharyngeal cancer
9 weeks, 2–3/w, KT started from the 8th session with MLD + CG+ home exercise ① The sum of neck circumferences
② NDI: neck disability
① 129.9 cm → 121.9 cm
② 8% → 6%
③ 126 → 134
④ Improvement between 4°–13°
⑤ Improvement in all directions
Van Wyk [42] Case study BCRL 37 years (female) 2 months, 1/w keep 5 days, remove for 2 days with exercise ① Circumference
② Assessment of skin texture
① Upper arm: 41.5 cm → 38.5 cm, forearm: 38.1 cm → 35.1 cm
② Softer to the touch and more flexible to use
Pyszora and Krajnik [38] Case study Lower limb LE 56 years (male)
Malignant tumor of pancreas
1/3–5 days applied & 24 hours rest during palliative care ① Verbal evaluation of patient satisfaction
② Visual check by the therapist
① Reduced swelling, pain, and heavy symptoms, satisfied with the intervention
② Reduced skin tension, stripy marks on the skin

RCT, randomized controlled trial; KT, kinesiology taping; SKT, sham kinesiology taping; MLB, multilayer bandage; CG, compression garment; MLD, manual lymph drainage; LLLT, low level laser therapy; IPC, intermittent pneumatic compression therapy; MDACC, MD Anderson cancer center; BCRL, breast cancer related lymphedema; HNL, head and neck lymphedema; VAS, visual analog scale; CCL, compression class level; QOL, quality of life; EORTC QLQ-C30, the European organization for research and treatment of cancer’s quality of life questionnaire consisting of 30 question; DASH, disability of shoulder and arm; PDQ, pain detect questionnaire; SMLB, simplified multilayer bandage; ROM, range of motion; PDV, percentage decrease of volume; RVC, relative volume change; SPADI, shoulder pain and disability; NDI, neck disability index; FACIT-F, functional assessment of chronic illness therapy and cancer; PIVM, passive intervertebral motion; PEV, percentage of excess volume; PREV, percentage reduction of excess volume; A-V fistula, arterio venous fistula. Age is estimated in mean number.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2023;30:288~305
© Physical Therapy Korea