Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

Comparison of cognitive evaluation scores between the normal cognitive group (GDS grade 1) and very mild and mild cognitive impairment level groups (GDS grades 2 and 3)

Category Normal cognitive groupa
(n = 12)
Cognitive impairment group
[very mildb-mildc] (n = 14)
t p-value
VR cognitive evaluation (scores) 88.33 ± 12.23 61.43 ± 14.24 5.120 0.001
K-MMSE (scores) 29.08 ± 0.90 25.71 ± 1.06 8.605 0.001

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. GDS, Global Deterioration Scale; VR, virtual reality; K-MMSE, Korean version of the Mini-Mental State Exam. aGDS grade 1, bGDS grade 2, cGDS grade 3.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2023;30:306~313
© Physical Therapy Korea