Maximum voluntary isometric contraction
Muscle name | Group | p |
95% CI | |
FHP | Non-FHP | |||
Thoracic ES LTuV | 131.24 ± 42.75 | 266.90 ± 56.65 | < 0.001 |
–163.61 to –107.70 |
Thoracic ES RTuV | 92.69 ± 41.04 | 205.82 ± 65.25 | < 0.001 |
–143.49 to –82.76 |
Lumbar ES LTuV | 91.59 ± 29.33 | 221.07 ± 202.97 | 0.002 | –210.25 to –48.80 |
Lumbar ES RTuV | 86.77 ± 34.72 | 189.50 ± 60.25 | < 0.001 |
–130.12 to –75.33 |
CI, confidence interval; FHP, forward head posture; Thoracic ES LTuV, thoracic erector spinae on the left side; Thoracic ES RTuV, thoracic erector spinae on the right side; Lumbar ES LTuV, lumbar erector spinae on the left side; Lumbar ES RTuV, lumbar erector spinae on the right side. *p < 0.001.