Physical Therapy Korea
pISSN 1225-8962 eISSN 2287-982X

Correlation analysis between plantar pressure and HVA and IMA

Variable Value (N) Correlation

HVA (r) IMA (r)
Toe 84.01 ± 12.02 –0.247** –0.157
M1 82.37 ± 13.51 –0.347** –0.258**
M2 166.43 ± 21.98 0.457* 0.370**
M3 86.66 ± 16.03 0.398** 0.366**
M4 60.50 ± 8.82 0.195* 0.142
M5 44.94 ± 3.97 –0.248** –0.193*
MF 51.23 ± 11.46 –0.335** –0.254**
HL 139.36 ± 28.02 0.380** 0.355**
HC 74.53 ± 13.36 –0.197* –0.194*
HM 142.05 ± 29.18 0.221* 0.172

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. HVA, hallux valgus angle; IMA, intermetatarsal angle; M1, the 1st metatarsal region representing the medial forefoot; M2, the 2nd metatarsal region representing the medial forefoot; M3, the 3rd metatarsal region representing the middle forefoot; M4, the 4th metatarsal region representing the lateral forefoot; M5, the 5th metatarsal region representing the lateral forefoot; MF, the mid-foot region; HM, medial heel region; HC, central heel region; HL, lateral heel region. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.

Phys. Ther. Korea 2024;31:183~190
© Physical Therapy Korea