

pISSN 1225-8962
eISSN 2287-982X



Phys Ther Korea 2014; 21(1): 55-62

Published online February 19, 2014

© Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy

Characteristics of Leg and Ankle in Taxi Drivers

Sun-young Kang, Sung-dae Choung, Hye-seon Jeon

Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University, Dept. of Ergonomic Therapy, The Graduate School of Health and Environment, Yonsei University

Correspondence to: Hye-seon Jeon


For professional drivers, there is a possibility to have musculoskeletal disorders on ankle joint due to repetitive pedaling operation. Therefore, this study have focused to examine ankle active range of motion (AROM), dorsiflexor strength, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) of tibialis anterior muscle (TA) in taxi drivers compared to a age-matched control group. Thirty male taxi drivers with at least 10 years of driving experience and thirty male sedentary workers were evaluated for ankle AROM, dorsiflexor strength, and PPT of TA. Multiple independent t-tests were used to identify significant differences between two groups. For the results, taxi drivers had significantly less AROM in dorsiflexion and greater AROM in external tibial rotation compared to the control group. Also, dorsiflexor strength and PPT of TA in taxi drivers was significantly lower than in the control group. This study indicates that the repetitive ankle movements associated with driving have an effect on ankle AROM, dorsiflexor strength, and PPT of TA and may lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders on ankle. Professional drivers may need to be educated to prevent a potential musculoskeletal disorders associated with repetitive movement.

Keywords: Ankle, Musculoskeletal disorders, Pressure pain threshold, Range of motion, Strength, Taxi driver.


Phys Ther Korea 2014; 21(1): 55-62

Published online February 19, 2014

Copyright © Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy.

Characteristics of Leg and Ankle in Taxi Drivers

Sun-young Kang, Sung-dae Choung, Hye-seon Jeon

Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Health Science, Yonsei University, Dept. of Ergonomic Therapy, The Graduate School of Health and Environment, Yonsei University

Correspondence to:Hye-seon Jeon


For professional drivers, there is a possibility to have musculoskeletal disorders on ankle joint due to repetitive pedaling operation. Therefore, this study have focused to examine ankle active range of motion (AROM), dorsiflexor strength, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) of tibialis anterior muscle (TA) in taxi drivers compared to a age-matched control group. Thirty male taxi drivers with at least 10 years of driving experience and thirty male sedentary workers were evaluated for ankle AROM, dorsiflexor strength, and PPT of TA. Multiple independent t-tests were used to identify significant differences between two groups. For the results, taxi drivers had significantly less AROM in dorsiflexion and greater AROM in external tibial rotation compared to the control group. Also, dorsiflexor strength and PPT of TA in taxi drivers was significantly lower than in the control group. This study indicates that the repetitive ankle movements associated with driving have an effect on ankle AROM, dorsiflexor strength, and PPT of TA and may lead to work-related musculoskeletal disorders on ankle. Professional drivers may need to be educated to prevent a potential musculoskeletal disorders associated with repetitive movement.

Keywords: Ankle, Musculoskeletal disorders, Pressure pain threshold, Range of motion, Strength, Taxi driver.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.

The markers attachment for active range of motion (A: dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, B: eversion and inversion).

Physical Therapy Korea 2014; 21: 55-62

Fig 2.

Figure 2.

The measurement of external and internal tibial rotation angle (A: the footprint method, B: the footprint drawn on the lined paper).

Physical Therapy Korea 2014; 21: 55-62

Fig 3.

Figure 3.

The experimental setting (A: pressure pain threshold measurement of the tibialis anterior muscle, B: strength measurement of the ankle dorsiflexor).

Physical Therapy Korea 2014; 21: 55-62

Table 1 .. General characteristics of subjects (N=60).

Taxi drivers (n1=30)Control (n2=30)p

Age (year)51.4±4.1a49.3±6.0.150
Weight (kg)69.3±5.871.0±5.5.285
Height (cm)170.4±3.5171.7±3.2.142
Body mass index (kg/m2)24.0±2.724.0±2.0.852

amean±standard deviation.

Table 2 .. Ankle active range of motion (N=60).

Taxi drivers (n1=30)Control group (n2=30)p

Dorsiflexion (°)20.17±3.60a25.51±3.02<.001*
Plantar flexion (°)49.97±8.6448.54±4.73.454
Eversion (°)21.81±5.7019.25±7.92.180
Inversion (°)30.95±6.0933.52±7.38.174
External tibial rotation (°)30.93±6.0022.66±6.05<.001*
Internal tibial rotation (°)14.55±3.0214.18±4.11.708

amean±standard deviation


Table 3 .. Dorsiflexor strength and pressure pain threshold of the tibialis anterior muscle (N=60).

Taxi drivers (n1=30)Control group (n2=30)p

Dorsiflexor strength (kg)27.34±4.41a33.38±3.18<.001
PPTb of TAc (kg)17.56±4.0121.72±3.25<.001

amean±standard deviation

bpressure pain threshold

ctibialis anterior muscle
