

pISSN 1225-8962
eISSN 2287-982X



Original Article

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Phys Ther Korea 2016; 23(3): 40-47

Published online September 17, 2016

© Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy

Wii Balance Board를 이용한 Sit-to-Stand와 보행기능 측정의 검사-재검사 신뢰도

양승례, 오유리, 전예림, 박대성

건양대학교 의과학대학 물리치료학과

Test-retest Reliability of Sit-to-Stand and Gait Assessment Using the Wii Balance Board

Seong-rye Yang, Yu-ri Oh, Ye-rim Jeon, Dae-sung Park, PhD, PT

Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Medical Science, Konyang University

Correspondence to: 박대성

Received: March 17, 2016; Revised: March 17, 2016; Accepted: May 24, 2016



Assessments of Sit-to-Stand (STS) and gait functions are essential procedures in evaluating level of independence for the patients after stroke. In a previous study, we developed the software to analyze center of pressure (COP) in standing position on Wii Balance Board (WBB).


This purpose of this study is to measure test-retest reliability of ground reaction forces, COP and time using WBB on STS and gait in healthy adults.


Fifteen healthy participants performed three trials of STS and gait on WBB. The time (s), vertical peak (%) and COP path-length (cm) were measured on both tasks. Additionally, counter (%), different peak (%), symmetry ratio, COP x-range and COP y-range were analyzed on STS, 1st peak (%), 2nd peak (%) of weight were analyzed on gait. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error measurement (SEM) and smallest real difference (SRD) were analyzed for test-retest reliability.


ICC of all variables except COP path-length appeared to .676~.946 on STS, and to .723~.901 on gait. SEM and SRD of all variables excepting COP path-length appeared .227~8.886, .033~24.575 on STS. SEM and SRD excepting COP path-length appeared about .019~3.933, .054~11.879 on gait.


WBB is not only cheaper than force plate, but also easier to use clinically. WBB is considered as an adequate equipment for measuring changes of weight bearing during balance, STS and gait test which are normally used for functional assessment in patients with neurological problems and elderly. The further study is needed concurrent validity on neurological patients, elderly patients using force plate and WBB.

Keywords: Gait, Ground reaction force, Test-retest reliability, Wii balance board.


Original Article

Phys Ther Korea 2016; 23(3): 40-47

Published online September 17, 2016

Copyright © Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy.

Wii Balance Board를 이용한 Sit-to-Stand와 보행기능 측정의 검사-재검사 신뢰도

양승례, 오유리, 전예림, 박대성

건양대학교 의과학대학 물리치료학과

Received: March 17, 2016; Revised: March 17, 2016; Accepted: May 24, 2016

Test-retest Reliability of Sit-to-Stand and Gait Assessment Using the Wii Balance Board

Seong-rye Yang, Yu-ri Oh, Ye-rim Jeon, Dae-sung Park, PhD, PT

Dept. of Physical Therapy, College of Medical Science, Konyang University

Correspondence to:박대성

Received: March 17, 2016; Revised: March 17, 2016; Accepted: May 24, 2016



Assessments of Sit-to-Stand (STS) and gait functions are essential procedures in evaluating level of independence for the patients after stroke. In a previous study, we developed the software to analyze center of pressure (COP) in standing position on Wii Balance Board (WBB).


This purpose of this study is to measure test-retest reliability of ground reaction forces, COP and time using WBB on STS and gait in healthy adults.


Fifteen healthy participants performed three trials of STS and gait on WBB. The time (s), vertical peak (%) and COP path-length (cm) were measured on both tasks. Additionally, counter (%), different peak (%), symmetry ratio, COP x-range and COP y-range were analyzed on STS, 1st peak (%), 2nd peak (%) of weight were analyzed on gait. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), standard error measurement (SEM) and smallest real difference (SRD) were analyzed for test-retest reliability.


ICC of all variables except COP path-length appeared to .676~.946 on STS, and to .723~.901 on gait. SEM and SRD of all variables excepting COP path-length appeared .227~8.886, .033~24.575 on STS. SEM and SRD excepting COP path-length appeared about .019~3.933, .054~11.879 on gait.


WBB is not only cheaper than force plate, but also easier to use clinically. WBB is considered as an adequate equipment for measuring changes of weight bearing during balance, STS and gait test which are normally used for functional assessment in patients with neurological problems and elderly. The further study is needed concurrent validity on neurological patients, elderly patients using force plate and WBB.

Keywords: Gait, Ground reaction force, Test-retest reliability, Wii balance board.

Fig 1.

Figure 1.

Experimental set up of sit-to-stand (A) and gait (B).

Physical Therapy Korea 2016; 23: 40-47

Fig 2.

Figure 2.

Ground reaction force of sit-to-stand (left) and gait (right) (A) 1st trial, (B) 2nd trial, (C) 3rd trial.

Physical Therapy Korea 2016; 23: 40-47

Table 1 .. Characteristics of subjects (N=15).


Age (year)29.8±3.4
Height (cm)167.9±10.6
Weight (kg)65.5±18.0

astandard deviation

Table 2 .. Reliability in ground reaction force of sit-to-stand (N=15).

Mean±SD of 3 trialsICCb (95% CIc)SEMdSRDe
Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3

Time (s)2.11±.531.92±.231.89±.361.97±.40.676(.231~.882).227.629
Vertical peak (%)114.28±3.73114.35±4.55117.21±6.13115.29±4.99.720(.336~.898)2.6387.312
COPf path-length (cm)50.47±18.5745.92±26.3073.40±88.1456.59±54.31.294(.676~.743)45.632126.493
Counter (%).05±.04.06±.04.05±.04.05±.04.896(.753~.962).012.033
Difference peak (%)44.60±26.1745.35±28.7440.04±25.1443.33±26.22.897(.756~.963)8.41523.326
Symmetry ratio1.00±.14.98±.081.03±.121.00±.11.758(.426~.912).055.154
X_range (cm)15.88±14.9418.28±20.5118.81±24.1717.66±19.81.946(.872~.980)4.60412.761
Y_range (cm)23.76±25.8518.24±11.8222.34±20.0021.45±19.74.864(.677~.951)7.28120.182

astandard deviation.

bintra-class correlation coefficient

ccconfidence interval

dstandard error of measurement

esmallest real difference

f. center of pressure..

Table 3 .. Reliability in ground reaction force of gait (N=15).

Mean±SD of 3 trialsICCb (95% CIc)SEMdSRDe
Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3

Stance time (s).54±.06.53±.06.53±.07.53±.06.901(.818~.949)0.19.054
Vertical peak (%)112.10±9.46109.97±9.30112.02±7.84111.36±8.92.840(.707~.919)3.5409.812
COPf path-length (cm)26.77±4.4927.28±4.2328.25±4.4327.43±4.38.458(.676~.743)3.2248.936
1st Peak (%)106.78±9.49104.90±7.84105.66±7.07105.77±8.14.723(.491~.859)4.18611.879
2nd Peak (%)109.51±10.59109.12±9.24108.67±12.72109.10±10.82.868(.758~.919)3.93310.901

astandard deviation.

bintra-class correlation coefficient

ccconfidence interval

dstandard error of measurement

esmallest real difference

f. center of pressure..