

pISSN 1225-8962
eISSN 2287-982X



Original Article

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Phys. Ther. Korea 2022; 29(1): 1-10

Published online February 20, 2022

© Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy

위등세모근 억제 다이나믹 테이핑이 만성 목 통증 환자들의 목 통증, 기능장애 수준, 관절가동범위, 심리사회적 수준, 목 자세정렬에 미치는 영향

윤상우1, 김선엽2

1대전대학교 보건의료대학원 물리치료학과, 2대전대학교 보건의료과학대학 물리치료학과

Effects of Upper Trapezius Inhibition Dynamic Taping on Pain, Function, Range of Motion, Psychosocial Status, and Posture of the Neck in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain

Sang-woo Yoon1 , PT, BHSc, Suhn-yeop Kim2 , PT, PhD

1Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Health & Medicine, 2Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Medical Science, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea

Correspondence to: Suhn-yeop Kim

Received: September 14, 2021; Revised: October 7, 2021; Accepted: October 12, 2021

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Neck pain is a major health problem in developed countries and has a lifetime prevalence of 50%. Major problems include a reduced cervical range of motion, muscle stiffness, dysfunction, postural changes, and decrease in psychosocial level. Objects: This study aimed to investigate the effects of applying the upper trapezius inhibition dynamic taping to patients with chronic neck pain on their neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.
Methods: The study design was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 40 patients with neck pain participated in this study and were randomly assigned to a Dynamic Taping group (n = 20) or Sham Taping group (n = 20). In both groups, basic intervention cervical pain control therapy and shoulder stabilization exercise program were performed. In addition, dynamic taping and sham taping were applied to participants in the Dynamic Taping and Sham Taping groups to inhibit the trapezius muscle, respectively. All interventions were performed three times a week and a total of 12 times for 4 weeks, and the participants’ neck pain, functional impairment level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture were measured and compared before and after the intervention.
Results: Both groups showed significant differences in neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck postural before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences between the two groups regarding the functional level and neck posture (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Inhibition dynamic taping of the upper trapezius muscle suppression is an effective method with clinical significance in reducing pain in individuals with chronic neck pain and improving the functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.

Keywords: Dynamic taping, Function, Pain, Psychosocial status, Upper trapezius


Original Article

Phys. Ther. Korea 2022; 29(1): 1-10

Published online February 20, 2022

Copyright © Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy.

위등세모근 억제 다이나믹 테이핑이 만성 목 통증 환자들의 목 통증, 기능장애 수준, 관절가동범위, 심리사회적 수준, 목 자세정렬에 미치는 영향

윤상우1, 김선엽2

1대전대학교 보건의료대학원 물리치료학과, 2대전대학교 보건의료과학대학 물리치료학과

Received: September 14, 2021; Revised: October 7, 2021; Accepted: October 12, 2021

Effects of Upper Trapezius Inhibition Dynamic Taping on Pain, Function, Range of Motion, Psychosocial Status, and Posture of the Neck in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain

Sang-woo Yoon1 , PT, BHSc, Suhn-yeop Kim2 , PT, PhD

1Department of Physical Therapy, Graduate School of Health & Medicine, 2Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health and Medical Science, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea

Correspondence to:Suhn-yeop Kim

Received: September 14, 2021; Revised: October 7, 2021; Accepted: October 12, 2021

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Neck pain is a major health problem in developed countries and has a lifetime prevalence of 50%. Major problems include a reduced cervical range of motion, muscle stiffness, dysfunction, postural changes, and decrease in psychosocial level. Objects: This study aimed to investigate the effects of applying the upper trapezius inhibition dynamic taping to patients with chronic neck pain on their neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.
Methods: The study design was a randomized controlled trial. A total of 40 patients with neck pain participated in this study and were randomly assigned to a Dynamic Taping group (n = 20) or Sham Taping group (n = 20). In both groups, basic intervention cervical pain control therapy and shoulder stabilization exercise program were performed. In addition, dynamic taping and sham taping were applied to participants in the Dynamic Taping and Sham Taping groups to inhibit the trapezius muscle, respectively. All interventions were performed three times a week and a total of 12 times for 4 weeks, and the participants’ neck pain, functional impairment level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture were measured and compared before and after the intervention.
Results: Both groups showed significant differences in neck pain, functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck postural before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). Moreover, there were significant differences between the two groups regarding the functional level and neck posture (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Inhibition dynamic taping of the upper trapezius muscle suppression is an effective method with clinical significance in reducing pain in individuals with chronic neck pain and improving the functional level, cervical range of motion, psychosocial level, and neck posture.

Keywords: Dynamic taping, Function, Pain, Psychosocial status, Upper trapezius

Fig 1.

Figure 1.Flow diagram of the study. NRS, numeric rating scale; C-ROM, cervical-range of motion; NDI, neck disability index; FABQ, Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire; CVA, craniovertebral angle.
Physical Therapy Korea 2022; 29: 1-10

Fig 2.

Figure 2.Dynamic taping for upper trapezius inhibition.
Physical Therapy Korea 2022; 29: 1-10

Fig 3.

Figure 3.Sham taping on upper trapezius.
Physical Therapy Korea 2022; 29: 1-10

Table 1 . General characteristics of subjects.

Variables (unit)Dynamic
Taping group
(n = 20)
Sham Taping group
(n = 20)
Sex (male/female)10/1011/90.3090.759
Age (y)28.60 ± 2.3327.90 ± 3.550.7370.466
Height (cm)169.55 ± 9.12171.40 ± 7.13–0.7150.479
Weight (kg)68.60 ± 17.0970.85 ± 13.32–0.4640.645
Onset (mo)7.30 ± 3.885.60 ± 2.481.6510.107
Pain site (right/left)9/118/12–0.3120.757

Values are presented as number only, or mean ± standard deviation..

Table 2 . Comparison of pain and dysfunction level, range of motion of the neck before and after intervention between groups.

Dynamic Taping group (n = 20)Sham Taping group
(n = 20)
t (p)F (p)
Pre6.60 ± 1.196.75 ± 1.16–0.403 (0.689)Group0.581 (0.450)
Post3.30 ± 0.973.60 ± 1.31–0.819 (0.418)Time211.491 (< 0.001)
t (p)–10.692 (< 0.001)–9.890 (< 0.001)Group x Time0.114 (0.737)
Pre18.75 ± 3.3917.90 ± 2.730.874 (0.388)Group0.062 (0.805)
Post10.35 ± 2.4811.65 ± 4.36–1.160 (0.253)Time193.010 (< 0.001)
t (p)–11.442 (< 0.001)–8.256 (< 0.001)Group x Time4.157 (0.048)
Pre47.89 ± 7.4548.64 ± 4.98–0.371 (0.713)Group0.218 (0.644)
Post54.39 ± 6.3952.58 ± 5.190.986 (0.331)Time45.384 (< 0.001)
t (p)5.041 (< 0.001)6.942 (< 0.001)Group x Time1.192 (0.282)
Pre43.96 ± 8.5842.89 ± 6.010.454 (0.653)Group0.726 (0.400)
Post49.15 ± 7.2146.68 ± 6.550.805 (0.426)Time24.271 (< 0.001)
t (p)3.582 (0.002)3.428 (0.003)Group x Time0.592 (0.446)
Right rotation
Pre51.12 ± 8.5250.65 ± 6.480.197 (0.845)Group0.060 (0.807)
Post52.87 ± 8.7052.19 ± 5.740.289 (0.774)Time18.956 (< 0.001)
t (p)3.910 (0.001)2.533 (0.020)Group x Time0.072 (0.790)
Left rotation
Pre49.71 ± 6.5847.99 ± 5.090.922 (0.362)Group0.588 (0.448)
Post51.60 ± 6.6850.52 ± 5.210.568 (0.574)Time22.701 (< 0.001)
t (p)4.580 (< 0.001)3.046 (0.007)Group x Time0.478 (0.494)

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. NRS, numeric rating scale; NDI, neck disability index..

Table 3 . Comparison of psychosocial status and posture of the neck before and after intervention between groups.

Dynamic Taping group
(n = 20)
Sham Taping group
(n = 20)
t (p)F (p)
Pre20.30 ± 2.7919.80 ± 3.160.531 (0.599)Group0.009 (0.924)
Post14.95 ± 3.1215.30 ± 2.68–0.381 (0.706)Time93.682 (< 0.001)
t (p)–8.081 (< 0.001)–5.822 (< 0.001)Group x Time0.698 (0.409)
Pre34.55 ± 5.8135.60 ± 4.66–0.631 (0.532)Group1.047 (0.313)
Post22.55 ± 5.0824.20 ± 4.29–1.110 (0.274)Time182.392 (< 0.001)
t (p)–8.971 (< 0.001)–10.352 (< 0.001)Group x Time0.120 (0.731)
Pre54.85 ± 7.7555.40 ± 5.47–0.259 (0.797)Group0.525 (0.473)
Post37.50 ± 6.8939.50 ± 5.46–1.018 (0.315)Time253.638 (< 0.001)
t (p)–10.347 (< 0.001)–12.784 (< 0.001)Group x Time0.482 (0.492)
Pre47.02 ± 6.2847.31 ± 5.51–0.155 (0.877)Group0.257 (0.615)
Post51.84 ± 7.0549.62 ± 5.511.108 (0.275)Time94.364 (< 0.001)
t (p)8.885 (< 0.001)4.674 (< 0.001)Group x Time11.647 (0.002)

Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation. FABQ-PA, Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire for physical activity; FABQ-W, Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire for work; CVA, craniovertebral angle..